BALM® 12 Principles Live Zoom Course

Become Your Addicted Child's Best Chance
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Mom: Take Back Your Life While Becoming Your Addicted Child’s Best Chance at Recovery!

A Transformational Learning Experience

Learn how to be your addicted loved one’s best chance at recovery while taking back peace in your life!

Join us for this small private course with 2 instructors and a maximum of 12 participants as we take you through 12 powerful keys to getting back your life with this alternative approach to helping your addicted loved one.

What Exactly is the BALM® 12 Principles Course?

oYOur child has a substance use disorder? Are you feeling alone and hopeless, wondering how you will ever reach your drug or alcohol addicted loved one when every conversation turns into a fight?

Anytime you try to broach the subject of their substance use or behavior, they get defensive and you get nowhere. You know things have to change. You’ve just got to convince them to listen to you, but how?

Well, what if the way you’re looking at the situation is actually creating more friction and resistance instead of helping you get the peace and connection you really want?

If you’re like 99% of moms in this situation, you probably have no idea where to start. Your intentions come from love, but most likely, your words and actions come from fear!

You might have even resigned yourself to the belief that it’s just not possible to connect with your addicted loved one the way you really want to…

Well, we’re here to help you change that! We’re going to show you how you can make subtle yet highly impactful changes in the way you engage with your addicted loved one, that will set the tone for them to willingly engage and cooperate with you, and create genuine connection and peace.

You don’t need to be an expert – you just need the tools you haven’t got yet.  We’ve used these insightful tools ourselves to change the dynamics of our relationships with everyone we know, including our most challenging connections: our addicted Children.

Use Words That Speak to Them

After just a few classes you’ll improve your outlook and ability to think clearly in the midst of challenging situations. By the end of the course you’ll have skills in areas like setting boundaries and sticking to them, leveraging as a win/win tool, and identifying patterns in your loved one as key indicators of how to speak with them so they’ll hear you. You will learn:

  • The foundations of the “Be a Loving Mirror” concept
  • A powerful understanding of your real role in your loved one’s recovery
  • To become a master of how to respond rather than react
  • To gain a deeper understanding of boundaries and how & when to use them – and when not to…
  • A new and powerful perspective that will bring optimism back into your life
  • How to become clear and confident in making win/win decisions

What the BALM® 12 Principles Course Offer You:


This is a live on Zoom, 12 week course. Each 2 hour class introduces one step in the process of “Becoming a Loving Mirror”, designed to move your loved one towards recovery in a way that is loving, compassionate and most of all, effective. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with others with shared experience or may join in while remaining anonymous. At the end of most classes there is a question and answer period. Here’s what you’ll receive with your enrolment: 

  • 12 weeks of 2 hour live lessons on Zoom.
  • Several downloadable resources.
  • 1 workbook and 1 BALM book delivered to your door.
  • An exclusive direct email access to your instructors for resources during and after the course.
  • Discounts on additional educational and support offers.
  • A very special discount offer on The BALM® One Year Family Recovery Program upon completion of the course.

What you will learn in the BALM® 12 Principles Course:



Principle One: Supporting Your Loved One in Early Recovery


Principle Two: The Stages of Change


Principle Three: Letting Go


Principle Four: How To Be Your Loved One’s Best Chance at Recovery


Principle Five: Getting Your Focus Off Your Loved One and Onto Yourself


Principle Six: What It Really Means to Be A Loving Person


Principle Seven: Setting and Sticking to Boundaries


Principle Eight: Getting Support – Finding What Works Best for You!


Principle Nine: Exploring/Healing Your Relationship with that which is Sacred


Principle Ten: Heal Your Relationship with Yourself


Principle Eleven: Heal Your Relationships with Others


Principle Twelve: “Be A Loving Mirror” is the Journey and the Destination




Why Sign Up for the BALM® One Year Family Recovery Program?

This is one of the best things you can do to support yourself, your family and your child. You will gain the opportunity to see the bigger picture of your situation and gain clarity on what is and is not within your power. You’ll gain new tools to reduce stress, gain confidence and create a roadmap to better navigate challenges as they arise. 

You will be empowered with a new awareness that infuses confidence and intention into your life and can help you re-establish authentic connection with your struggling child. You’ll learn how to shift from reacting to responding. You can establish peace in yourself, your family and home while becoming your loved one’s best chance at recovery.

Having a child who struggles with addiction is one of the most challenging and lonely journeys a parent can experience, and yet you are not alone. So many families needlessly suffer in silence. Do not travel this path in the dark. 

Having graduated from the BALM® Family Recovery certification program as a Family Recovery Specialist and Life Coach, I can tell you that there are few such courses being offered in the world. If you have questions or would like to speak with a live person, please call us or click the schedule button to reserve a complimentary zoom consultation. 

The BALM® 12 Principles Course - Live on Zoom.

12 weekly 2 hour classes • Includes text and workbook.

Book a 30 minute complimentary consultation to explore if
the 12 Principles course is the right choice for you &if so to
join the wait list for the next live session.


Do you have questions or comments? We'd like to hear from you!

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 “The opposite of addiction isn't sobriety. It's connection.” ~ Johann Hari


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